
BVGB Site Content

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Primary Blog Domain:


There is more to come in the future related to domains.

A collaboration of dedicated video gamers, Biased Gamer, also known as Biased Video Gamer Blog (BVGB) is an excellent source of bias and fanboyism from people who are not afraid of loving their consoles, portables, and gaming rigs and the games that make them shine.
We are different than other video game blogs that all go after the same new video game news. BVGB is all about opinion. We leave reporting every fragment of video game news to the other websites and focus on the games themselves.

Over the coming months, this site will expand with more writers, artists, and all the gamers needed to inject their biased voices about video games. Video game bias is our specialty!

The goal of the website is to provide entertaining insight in each article we write. We try to use the highest quality source for video game media (HD or even higher resolution). We use the best source because it allows you to experience the content closest to its true form. Plus, we all love high quality/resolution media!

"Making video games fun again!"

This website and its content is licensed under the Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Articles are owned by their respective authors. Biased Video Gamer Blog (BVGB).
Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License