This is where we preview games that tickle our fancy. The previews cover demos, videos, and screenshots of games that are in development. Our previews are opinions and commentary about what we think should be changed/fixed about games as well as parts of games that we really like so far.
3DS PilotWings Resort Hands-On Preview
By BlueZero
19 Mar 2011 07:21
Today was my first time ever seeing and holding the Nintendo 3DS in person. Every other media outlet got to rave about the 3DS during the last E3 so this time I am at the same level as the common gamer without industry hookups. I finally got to see whether the 3D graphics without glasses were possible and the obvious answer is now "YES". I decided to focus more on the hardware over previewing PilotWings Resort since the 3DS is new and PilotWings Resort feels like a polished N64 expansion flying through Wii Sports Resort. Here are my initial impressions of Nintendo's newest portable in almost 7 years which I am sure will sell out when it launches in America March 27th:
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MotorStorm Apocalypse Demo Preview
By BlueZero
16 Mar 2011 05:09
With massive earthquakes in New Zealand and the very recent powerful 9.0 earthquake in Sendai Japan, it's very possible the world may end in 2011. I downloaded the MotorStorm: Apocalypse demo from the European PSN store to see how difficult racing during a major disaster would be. With the game being delayed, it seems everywhere except the US for obvious reasons, I figured I would see if it is worth buying when it releases April 12 2011 (if it is not delayed here). So without further adieu, let's bring down the city:
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Battlefield 3 First PC Gameplay Video
By BlueZero
02 Mar 2011 19:59
EA and DICE have finally released their first gameplay video of Battlefield 3 and it looks scrumptious. As someone who spent hundreds of hours playing Battlefield 2, I'm already enjoying the combat possibilities shown in the video. Watch the trailer and let your jaw drop as I walk you through my brief analysis:
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Dragon Age 2 PC Demo Preview
By BlueZero
23 Feb 2011 08:57
I'm going to keep my preview of Dragon Age 2 on PC short and sweet, just like the demo. I'm mostly just going to write my initial impressions of the game from a PC standpoint without comparing the game with its console brothers. Let me just throw out the truth that Dragon Age 2 is a different beast than Dragon Age 1. It makes many of the same radical changes Mass Effect 1 made in its sequel. Here's what I experienced:
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Dead Space 2 PS3 Demo Preview
By BlueZero
21 Jan 2011 20:08
My first thought playing the Dead Space 2 demo was why did I have to accept EA’s terms of agreement when there is no multiplayer built into the demo. My next thought was wow, it’s been over a year since I played and beat Dead Space on PS3. If you enjoyed the original, it appears like you will also like the sequel which is coming out on the 25th of January. Here’s what I encountered during the demo:
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